Monday, September 28, 2009


Another wonderful Los Angeles weekend with wonderful weather, plenty of things to do and places to go to and the Los Angeles District doing its duty: you can forget the gang problem in LA they got Polanski.
I wasn't there so I don't know what happened so I have to believe what I read in the newspapers and form my own opinion; I saw the movie, Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, recently which showed the behaviour of the star fucker judge who went back on his word so if I was Polanski I might have done the same thing.
Detaining Polanski in Switzerland is an embarrassment and stupid and for the sake of everybody's sanity should have been left alone; the hangers and the floggers will be delighted, of course, that he has been incarcerated because they have never erred, never done anything wrong and in a country where they put a young child in handcuffs because he was sexually curious Polanski doesn't stand a chance.
It's strange that the person who actually killed Sharon Tate, Susan Atkins, died the day before Polanski was detained.
But getting back to Los Angeles; there was a four month old baby shot in the head by some bastard of a gang member over the weekend; it's hardly on the news as it's full of Polanski so maybe the DA should look into troubles at home first.

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