Friday, January 29, 2021


 Hi folks: I thought I would promote my film with this post as there is very little chance of a screening the way things are; the way things are? Well this blog seems to be viewed for years so if this is someone reading it way into the future who has only heard of the Lockdown this is written during the second one – or is it the third one? Or the turd one as my poppa would say.

Here it is – the movie. All twenty seven minutes of it and if you like it you can always put a 'like' where there is a heart – that's if there is a heart from the viewer and you are not a robot.

If you are a friend on Facebook, or just a friend or even related to me or my agent - this won't be the only notification about CONFESSION - yup, that's the name of the movie, or the film or even the picture.

I'll write a few more original posts soon as my typing fingers are telling me to carry on now in a stream of consciousness but no – here it is the movie.

Enjoy it – just to put enjoy, without the 'it,' is a bit like English actors in TV series set in the 1950s using a fork only to eat dinner – a la American; it doesn't fly.