Saturday, August 27, 2011

Follow up to Modern England and our smiling cat!!

Ealing aftermath.

Well after my post with my opinions about modern England I had quite a few emails in response to it; I'm glad to say that people agreed with me so I obviously don't have many hangers and floggers in my readership.

It might be an idea to put your comments into the comments box if you want to throw things open to others where we might generate a discussion. I don't censor any comments whatsoever so whatever you write will be up there.

The other thing I have not asked people to do before is to 'follow' me; then you will get your picture, logo or whatever at the top of the page and be able to leave comments easily; do that if you wish.

A few blogs ago, I had some emails returned. These are the emails that go out automatically when I write a post; these emails were returned from the same source namely the American Military. It was the post with the word 'cock' in the title and I got in touch with them and they thought it was spam as the URL was from Columbia; well . . . . it wasn't.

The URL is actually either from or someone called deliver it who put my blog directly on to Twitter; the reason for this? Twitter have a maximum of 140 characters including spaces so if you want to point out a news item on Twitter you need a small URL so you go to a tiny web site and convert it.

The last post, for example, had a url this seventy eight characters long - and that is a bit long to put onto Twitter or even the notification email that goes out.

There was something that I didn't point out the other day and it was the fact that there was no rioting this side of the border; it seemed to stop there. The young people in Edinburgh, where we are, were doing other things, had other things to do or were . . . . again I don't know.

We have been in the UK since July 13th when the ship came in and our cat, El Grande, has been in quarantine since then.

Animals coming into Britain have to be quarantined because of the rabies law. So far they have kept rabies on the other side of the English Channel but now there is a tunnel. . . . .

Here is a picture of our cat – it has been on here before but look; he's smiling for you.

The smile of our cat.

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