Monday, May 30, 2016

New boots.

I went to Margate a couple of months or so ago; I wrote on here about it. On the day I wore a new pair of boots but after a while I noticed, or my feet did, that I was taking two steps and the boots would only take one. Also they were hurting as it was like picking up weights with my feet. This led to me being knackered with very little of the day gone.
The 'day out' to Margate was a last minute decision as I wanted to go to the Turner Centre to see the place – it is a wonderful looking building and to look at it from the train station it looks magnificent; I can't say I liked the art though but I've said that before.
As I looked at it from the short distance it seemed miles away when it is probably no more than half a mile. The more I walked the more my feet hurt and the boots, the further I walked, the heavier they became.
This spread pain to the rest of my body and pretty soon I was walking like an old man; I stopped at a shop window and could see my reflection; I am an old man!! Why didn't anyone tell me?
So I went in to the store, which is called Peacocks, and browsed around looking for a pair of thermal socks – to keep my feet warm and to keep the boots on.
Oh yes of course – the weather outside was about 40ยบ and dropping.
I found the thermal socks peg and bought two pairs; after struggling in the middle of the aisle to get them on, you can imagine the delight and relief that I felt as a I swaggered along the street; an old man no more.
The boots as you will see, above, are very comfortable and I wore them, with the socks, on many occasions since but there was one thing I didn't notice when buying the socks: they were two different shades of grey; one a lot darker than the other.
I noticed this as I sat on the tube, one day, as I looked down and noticed: grey on my left foot and dark on my right - almost black.
I called my wife and said one of my socks is grey and the other one black.

She said “that's funny. You have another pair at home like that!”

By the way: I have no idea why some of the text is larger or a different font in some places - but I have an idea and will rectify it before the next post. Isn't the word rectify rather like the word rectum - I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. The saga of different coloured sock reminded me, when in a previous life, I got fed up with losing socks in the wash! So i went out and purchased 6 pair of identical dark blue socks. Within 3 weeks I had 12 socks of varying shades of blue!
