Saturday, September 10, 2022

At a Time Like This


At a time like this it makes you think: maybe a monarch is the best plan, I've always supported the idea in any case, as opposed to an ambitious politician, as head of state; they get to be head of the government, and that should be enough, but it's always good to know they have to answer to someone.

I've been of this opinion ever since I realised that Thatcher had to bow down to somebody; and it was the Queen.

The royal family have had their own problems, but they are never in need of money, never ambitious and the hundreds of people they employ all pay taxes.

Trouble is, it's a bit like The Truman Show and if asked, who would want to do it?

Charles will be fine he's the first king in a long time to use his own name; the Berties and Davids chose Edward and George.

He was talking about climate change 50 years ago when he was a jet pilot action man.

1 comment:

  1. No inheritance tax on how many Bllions? I guess they don't get embarrassed at all - as people struggle to pay for heat and food.
    Hardly seems fair.
