Sunday, May 17, 2020

Empty London.

I have tried, over the years, not to make this blog too political. Once or twice people have wanted me to give their cause a mention, and I think I did once, but I might not agree with the cause so never again. 
Good job I'm not a newspaper taking all kinds of adds, but I prefer to waffle on in my own way.
The current shut down all over the world is being made political, not by me, but by – now let me think: ah, politicians. 
They are looking out for themselves and their jobs.
Whenever there have been other epidemics and pandemics, shall we say, in Africa and, shall we say, Ebola, the medical teams move in, people like Doctors with Borders, get the military to build fields hospitals, and take it from there.
Ebola was a killer, a real frightening one and we can only imagine how the people that died suffered in their agony and pain.
But this latest Coronavirus, Covid 19, is being handled terribly in the UK and America. Now why is that? How can anybody say their man, their politician from their political party is doing better than the man from the other party. How can people justify accusing someone of something sinister just because they ask the right questions in parliament and then call them Mister Smarty pants or Clever Clogs?
I'm not answering any questions here by the way. 
I know the reason they didn't ask me to sort the situation out is that I wouldn't be any good at it so why give it to scheming politicians?
If you think about this one it reminds me of some of the films of contagious diseases - in fact one of the movies is close to this one and has been noted by the experts (**&).
A bit like 9/11: it was used in many thrillers and people took no notice. 
Obama noted a few years ago that we weren't ready for a pandemic as we had no stuff.
The UK doesn't produce anything at the moment, doesn't make anything, apart from music, games and movies. In fact the creative industries bring more money into the country than most other industries which are service industries and includes tourism.
We don't produce anything that could help us deal with the virus not even face masks. We (I'm fed up of using we as I think we are doing a lousy job) are not even good at preparing for anything; we send soldiers across to other countries without enough armour or tanks and whatever is needed to kill as many people as the armies like to kill.
Now the governments are running scared because we might run out of money, have a recession which might give them an excuse for more austerity.
We have just spent the last few years fighting about Brexit and now we (not again – not me) don't have to pay the 13 Billion to the EU. 
If it was so important to save that amount of money, as the EU was bleeding us dry, where did all the money come from that is now being spent or promised?
Since 2010 this government has borrowed £870 Billion – nothing to worry about though as the national debt started around the time of the Napoleonic Wars and will never ever be paid off – Never!


  1. It's become terribly political in the US and it's bringing out the worst in some people. I'm concerned what 4 more years of Trumpocracy will do to this country.
