Friday, September 20, 2019

Greta Thunberg

This is very unlike me to do two posts for my blog in as little as a couple of days but I thought about writing this a few minutes ago when I saw the demonstrations all over the world and all because of one little girl; her name? Greta Thunberg.
Cities throughout the whole world are demonstrating today because of her. The one person who won't be taking any notice will be Donald (Fake News) Trump. I don't think his latest screw up concerning Ukraine will be satisfied with his usual sobriquet especially as he is part to blame after cancelling the Paris agreement concerning climate change. 
Like Jeremy Corbyn's brother he denies that there is a climate change emergency.
I don't want to get political – BTW regular readers should know my politics by now – but aren't there so many lies told these days; blatant lies not just tiny fibs and so so many conspiracy theories.
I mention Greta Thunberg – who I only have praise for – but you can bet your bottom dollar that someone somewhere has some kind of theory about her doing something bad like how much money she makes or something else that I won't speculate about.
I remember all the money Bob Geldof raised for the famine in the eighties, Red Nose Day, Children in Need – and loads of others where someone said that the money didn't get there. Bod Geldof and Midge Ure have private jets and a fortunes stacked away – all that stuff and all bullshit.
You mention anything: Princess Diana's death, every football match (fixed they say), all the cricket matches (the same), the lottery, the horse racing you name it. Some guy must sit in his little bedsit and be so angry with the world that he makes up stories and some people believe them.
Do you know I bet someone somewhere will say that the aeroplane that crashed killing the Cardiff City footballer is suspicious that the pilot's body was never found and that the pilot swam away – yes funny but I betcha!

So let's celebrate Greta on this wonderful day and consider the earth when you try to destroy it and start taking notice of her and the people that follow her instead of the liars and fantasizers – good wishes.


  1. Now that you have Boris, and we have Trump we can commiserate. Is everyone doomed? I remember Earth Day and the focus on ecology in the 1970s. Rivers on fire in the Midwest... it's as though there has been no progress.

  2. Thank you Karyn - who knows what's going to happen but it doesn't look good.
