Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sarah Palin; the Most Dangerous Woman in the World?

Well there she is above; Sarah Palin. And who does she remind you of?

Have a look at the other photo and even though she is a lot older, Mary Whitehouse both in looks and opinions, is a good contender

In Britain people will remember Mary Whitehouse as the first president of the National Viewers and Listeners Association which stood for Christian Values and started a Clean Up TV Campaign; they took private prosecutions against Gay News and the director of a play at the National Theatre, Romans in Britain.

She also brought an injunction against ITV when they planned to show a documentary about Andy Warhol which stopped its initial showing; when it was shown a few weeks later the publicity guaranteed huge viewing figures; in fact everything she campaigned against benefited from the publicity.

When she took the director of The Romans in Britain to court she hadn't even seen the play. The play, written by Howard Brenton, drew a direct parallel between the Roman in invasion in Celtic Britain in 54BC and the contemporary British presence in the so called Northern Ireland.

In the play, directed by Michael Bogdanov, there is a brief rape scene which was, obviously, simulated and it was said that an erect penis was seen from the audience and this was supposedly seen by Mrs Whitehouse's solicitor from the back row – some penis! Anyway without going too far into it the prosecution told her they couldn't prosecute any further; both sides claimed a victory but Mrs Whitehouse had to pay costs.

When Mrs Thatcher came to power in 1979 Mary Whitehouse had found a more suitable ally but Thatcher's market economy policy wasn't helpful to her values.

Even though she never stood for any political party she was a darling of the right but I think, in the long run, harmless. She did a lot to stop kiddy porn but how is that going? The very people who supported her, the Catholic Church for one, didn't exactly set a good example.

I don't think Sarah Palin is harmless; she is being followed by the same kind of people who followed Mary Whitehouse but Sarah Palin has political aspirations.

We have seen her being interviewed and it's quite obvious that she is ill-informed; she had a terrible interview with Katy Couric showing how ignorant she was about the political world in general and Congress and the Supreme Court in particular.

She had made a few speeches as Governor of Alaska and always refers to herself as the momma grizzly and she used the same speeches when John McCain nominated her as his running mate for President (of the USA) two years ago and she excites a certain kind of audience; she excites a certain kind of emotion that is very dangerous.

She doesn't like what is happening here, doesn't like Obama's policies and thinks he should have worked wonders and shit miracles like some kind of political magician.

America, two years ago, was in the worst state it had ever been since the depression; the whole banking system almost collapsed. The people that were privy to the actual crisis were calling home and telling their loved ones to get around to the bank and draw as much cash from the ATMs as they could as they were sure it was all over; this has been stated in some of the 'behind the scenes' books that have been published since the crisis.

It took a good few years to get the country into that state and she, and her fellow Republicans and TEA party members, are opportunists who, to further their own political ambitions, are willing to do or say anything to get power. They are saying that the Obama administration should have cleared up the mess by now when they know it would be impossible to go any faster.

Sarah Palin's daughter is a contestant on Dancing with the Stars and, by all accounts as I haven't seen it, is not very good; but she is getting voted for by the public and is winning against people who can really dance. And this is because the people who are voting for her don't care whether she can dance or not as long as she wins.

That's what it will be like if momma grizzly stands for President!

I heard yesterday that the voting on Dancing with the Stars is all down to one man but if that is a rumour or not true it is obvious that the TEA party are voting for the daughter; Sarah Palin has been seen in the audience at the show she is also the star of her own reality show and it's quite obvious that she plans to run for president and this is the way she is doing it.

At the moment that would make it a lot easier for Barack Obama to win a second term but this is a country that voted into power George W Bush and Ronald Reagan!!!! So be warned.

We often ask how a country could vote such a silly looking man into power as Hitler. He had no ideas and no solutions - said so in his speeches - and just gave patriotic sound bites and when he got in; well you know about that.


  1. Hi Chris, I understand where you are coming from,with concerns about Sarah Palin, but remember what a previous President said about fooling some of the people some of the time. Truth will eventually out, sometimes one has to burn one's fingers before the penny drops. But it will. Sometimes the electorate is not as dumb as it seems to media commentators.

  2. Don't forget what HL Mencken said: Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

  3. An interesting piece in the UK news a few days ago. The spin doctor who ran Cameron's election campaign also ran Obama's too.
    Do you think we are all getting "snowed"?

  4. Yes I do; in America it always seems to be the taller of the two presidential contenders who gets elected; they always have hair and an attractive image. Those things seem to count more than their policies and when they get in other people take over.
    Keith Joseph's influence with Thatcher, Cheney and Rove and his mob with Bush, the poison dwarf with Hitler and so on.
