Sunday, May 9, 2021

How to succeed in business,

 I don't know if I mentioned this, but I have two computers here on my desks: one is a PC and the other a lap top. Most of the posts, on this blog, get written on the lap top and if I have to do a load of typing, like writing a whole book in an afternoon, I use the PC which has a separate keyboard and can be put on the little table under the desk which doesn't put too much of a strain on my wrists.

Now I'm not talking about carpel tunnel I'm talking about repetitive strain injury, which is what I had (have) in my right wrist from typing on the lap top keeping the screen at eye level.

I have just put an extension to my USB portal as I have added another keyboard so I can type with a small table under this desk and I have to plug the keyboard in –

hey! I know! I know you can get a keyboard without a cable but not an American one which is the type I like. I can't stand the English – or British one; I mean if I want to do this ; and then : they are on the same key (maybe with the UK one too) but if I want this ' and “ they are also on the same key but on a UK board they are miles apart one is a cap over the figure 2 and the other at the end of the middle letters.

So I was trying out the extension to the USB port, up to now, and it's working.

Now what am I to say?

Don't worry I don't usually have anything prepared.

Ever wondered why the great footballers of the day make terrible managers?

It's because they are great footballers and terrible managers – plain and simple.

It's the same with everything else in life. It's the reason people who are really good at their job should never be promoted. That's the reason they get someone else in to be the boss for a while because they are good at being the boss.

For some reason, when someone is good at their job, they get a promotion which means they have to do a different job and the people (the bosses) who appoint them are taking a giant chance in the hope that the person they give the new job to, can make a good fist of it.

If they are no good at the new job, that's where they stay because they have reached, what is called, their level of incompetence.

Likewise, the top salesman sells millions of pounds/dollars selling motor vehicles. On that premise alone this idiot thinks he can start up on his own and keep all the money for himself.

So they borrow as much money as they need, they mortgage themselves up the hilt and because they have made a lot of money for General Motors the banks think they are a good bet.

That is without taking into consideration that the person in question doesn't know anything about business in fact what they know about business, and twopence, wouldn't get them a cheap haircut.

I have just thought that that comparison might be where they got the expression in international business circles of taking a haircut.

I have just bought a book called The Peter Principle. The reason I bought the book was that I heard someone talking about it the other day on the radio. I only think that it will add up to what I have suggested as I haven't read it yet so I am getting in first with my theory.

If you know or a TV series called Yes Minister you might remember that the Member of Parliament, Jim Hacker, gets promoted to a post in government – The Department of Hogwash as far as I know and he doesn't know anything about Hogwash; he has to rely on the civil servants to instruct him and then he runs the department.

It might be the army, the whole military or the arts.

In fact a year or two ago the Prime Minister here appointed an estate agent to be The Secretary of State for Defence. He didn't have a clue – not a jot.

I think he went to enormous expense to land (or at least manipulate) a helicopter outside number 10, Downing Street.

For people of foreign climes, that's where the Prime Minister lives.

He was relieved of that job because he leaked something – some secret that's all – to a journalist pal.

This fella had military secrets in his head, other sensitive information and so he had to go.

This item on his CV (resumé), which the whole country knew about, betraying a secret, promoted the current Prime Minister to give him the job of Secretary of State for Education.

We have to pity the kids.

He had reached and over reached his level of incompetence and his name is Gavin Williamson; he of the funny voice. He is quoted – and can be seen on YouTube, I expect – of telling Russia to 'shut up and go away.'

Come in Oscar Wilde – all is forgiven.

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