Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Armageddon - here we come.

There was something on Newsnight, last night, which I found disturbing concerning guest speakers, comedians and the like appearing at Universities and colleges. Words like 'Platforming' were used which, if you look up the meaning, means 'The action or practice of preventing someone holding views regarded as unacceptable or offensive from contributing to a public debate or meeting.' Other terms like Triggering, Safe Places etc were also used and some of the excuses about so called unacceptable types of behaviour, were put down to intergenerational mistakes – in other words ageism.
Triggering has always been used in things like medical procedures which 'trigger' something else and also in the recent 'Article 50' trigger.
It seems that certain every day words, which have always been acceptable, and I don't mean ethnic slurs etc, have been grouped in to the ethnic and vulgar slang category. Ridiculous words such as Oriental are now not to be used and certain pronouns are really a 'no no.'
Why are we so frightened of offending someone? What do you think Lenny Bruce and Joan Rivers would make of it all?
Why do you think we ended up with Trump in America and Brexit here?
I don't think it's a very smart thing to follow ideas by the young just to try and appear trendy and there is nothing so sad as mutton dressed as lamb.
But there is a lot of ageism with computer experts' condescending attitude to a person who is not 100% sure about a computer. A bloody computer of all things which doesn't sound as good as a good guitar, piano or even taste as good as a cigar.
The cowboy heroes of my youth wouldn't be seen with a computer; that would be for the dude.
There is always a place for a dude.
In the 50s a little kid would take his collection of records to a dance hall and play them on his little record player. The boys and girls, the guys and dolls, the men and woman would dance and move and flirt and things and the little kid would play the records and have them in alphabetical order and they would be as pristine as a parson in his Sunday go to meeting suit.
Then later on in years the little kid would be on the radio calling himself a jockey; a Disc-jockey. He would speak as closely to the microphone as possible and he would sound like a big man, a husky man, a pioneer a rider like a jockey.
The disc-jockey became the deejay the hero of the youngster who wanted to sit on their arses and ride those platters.
This spawned pieces of filth like Jimmy Savile and the air-guitar generation.
Then when the internet came along people surfed the web.
Surfed! my arse!
'Go on' a guy said to me when he had fixed me up with the internet 'enjoy!'
He didn't quite have the energy to say it 'enjoy' he said – no it.
The greatest piece of surfing or riding I ever saw was Slim Pickens as Major (King) Kong as he rode the H Bomb down to its destination at Armageddon at the end of Doctor Strangelove.
Because that's where we're heading.
Here he is again; ride him Slim:

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