Sunday, June 4, 2017

I enjoy doing this.

Hey: I enjoy doing this. I don't get paid much, only the income from the ads, but that doesn't amount to a hill of beans (to quote from one of my favourite movies) so I do it because, as I say, I enjoy it. I would write more often but have other things to do.
There are lots of things going on and experts coming out of the wall, meeting you in a pub or talking to you at bus stops – for those that use the bus. 
In London that's not many as at least 60% use the tube with another 20% or so using the overground which doesn't leave that many for the bus especially when about 10% drive, cycle and walk – BTW all from Time Out!
Listen to the 'so called' expert to your peril.
I have repeatedly said on this blog that I am an expert on nothing and that has never worried me but . . I know this: most bad things go away. All those bad things that you thought would never go, have gone. If you haven't forgotten them I'm sorry but living in America I thought George W Bush would never go – some people liked him – but he is all but forgotten now. He wasn't an expert at anything and, like Trump, he discovered that, even though he was the so called leader of the free world, he didn't have that much power.
A religious born again Christian going to war? Gimme a break!
There is trouble in London at the moment – last night mass stabbings and another vehicle mowing people down on London Bridge, last week people being murdered by a bomb at a Manchester pop concert – but it will all go away.
People asked me how I managed with all the guns living in Los Angeles. Like road accidents, I didn't see any – well I saw one road accident - but mostly by the time you get there they're all over and as long as we believe that we should go about our lives as normal - but be observant.
I really feel for the people who have suffered but their friends and relatives will never forget.

You have as much chance of being involved in a terrorist act as winning the lottery – but I might win the lottery.


  1. Nicely put Chris. Abe Lincoln had a saying when things got rough......"It Will Pass".......your sentiments exactly.

  2. Or even....after every low tide, there is always a high one.
