Hello happy people of Britain who voted Conservative and Liberal Democrat; what did you expect?
Well perhaps not as much as increasing the University and College fees by 300% - that's right isn't it? Tripling the fees.
The Liberal Democrats promised in their manifesto not to increase college fees at all so what are they going to do? They are bound to vote against the government – but will they?
If they vote against the government the Labour Party can call for a Vote of Confidence and if the Conservatives lose that they have to call another General Election; but again I ask – will they?
If the fees for Universities and college are out of reach of the average person, who will go to University? Why the rich of course and then there will be plenty of people to work as shop assistants, burger flippers or in the factories – maybe even in a sweat shop or just on the dole.
Well there are plenty of people who crowded into Parliament Square in London on Thursday who don't want the fees to be raised and they are doing the only thing they can; but I wonder how many of them voted Liberal Democrat?
Because voting Liberal Democrat was as bad as voting for the Conservatives; all you people that tactically voted to keep the Conservatives out will now know that Tactical Voting doesn't work; how do I know? Because there is now a minority government in Britain propped up by Nicholas (Tory Boy) Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. And do I care from this long distance? You bet your life I do!
The only calm bloke in the melee on Thursday was Prince Charles; in the mad panic, when his car was attacked, and some prat shouted “off with their heads” he calmly pushed his wife to the floor and sedately and regally waved at the crowd.
Later he, and his wife, went to the Royal Variety Show and emerged from their Bentley like James Bond and Pussy Galore – good on you Charlie!
Well Stephen Frears certainly got his character wrong in The Queen didn't he; but we all knew that?
It might seem against my politics to be in a favour of a Monarchy but I prefer it to the contrary; yes it probably would have been President Thatcher or President Blair – just like Putin in Russia.
So if you live in the UK and have young children it is your time to fight against the increases in Education fees.
I went to College full time for three years and all the fees were paid for by the Education Department and I was also given a generous grant to live on – I know that was then and this is now but if you voted for either the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats and wasn't expecting this maybe you shouldn't have voted at all.
Are your memories so short that you can't remember Thatcher and the Poll Tax and the smashing of the Unions?
But maybe it is good that the right wing, and by implication, the upper classes are showing themselves and showing their true colours; if I was in such a minority I would want to keep it as quiet as possible in case it's more than one prat who wants my head.
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